Todas las noticias

Revenue for the first half of 2021: +30%

In an international context that is still disrupted by the global pandemic, Spineway recorded a 153% increase in revenue for the second quarter of 2021 compared with Q2 2020, driven by the recovery of its activity in its main territories and the integration of Distimp. This positive direction and the Group’s efforts to support its clients made it possible to generate revenue of €1 885K as at 30 June 2021 and post a 30% increase compared with the first half of 2020.

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Acquisition of the company Distimp confirmed

This acquisition is part of the Group’s growth strategy and allows Spineway to expand its products and services to provide a wider range of implants and instruments for the treatment of severe spinal disorders, as well as new operating techniques with high added value for surgeons. This move will also enable the Group to strengthen its commercial positions, particularly in France, by accessing Distimp’s extensive network of spine surgeons.

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Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding for the acquisition of the Distimp start-up

Spineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of severe disorders of the spinal column (spine), signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the acquisition of 100% of the capital – subject to conditions precedent being met – of Distimp, a European start-up with which the Group began exclusive negotiations last March.

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Universal Registration Document available

Spineway announces that, on 28 April 2021, it filed its Universal Registration Document (“DEU”) for the 2020 financial year with the “Autorité des Marchés Financiers” (AMF – the French financial markets authority) under number R.21 - 012.

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Q1 2021 turnover

In accordance with Spineway’s forecasts, revenue for the first quarter of 2021 followed the trend of yearend 2020 and amounted to €0.9M (€1M for Q1 2020) as a result of the new public-health measures in place in the various countries in which Spineway operates. As a reminder, revenue for the first quarter is usually lower than that of other quarters due to the structure of the Group’s markets. Also, this figure does not yet show the effects of the Group’s various sales initiatives and developments that should bear fruit in the next two quarters

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Continued International Development

Spineway, specialized in the design of innovative surgical implants and instruments for the treatment of severe disorders of the spine, continues its international development with the organization of a workshop in Thailand on the use of its products, and the signature of a distribution agreement in the US state of Ohio.

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Exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of a start-up in the field of spinal surgery

Spineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of severe disorders of the spinal column (spine), announces that it has entered exclusive negotiations with a view to the acquisition of 100% of the capital of a European start-up specialized in the design, manufacture and sale of implants and instruments for spinal surgery.

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Approval of the General Meeting’s resolutions Solid cash position to continue development

The Combined General Meeting of Spineway’s shareholders was held upon first notice of meeting on Monday, 8 March 2020, behind closed doors, at the Company’s registered office. The number of shares held by the shareholders represented amounted to 3 232 993 768 shares, i.e., a turnout of 25.79%.

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Signature of a partnership with Tsunami Medical

Spineway announces the signature of a partnership with the Italian company Tsunami Medical, pioneer in innovative 3D-printed solutions, for the sale of Twin Peaks interbody cages produced with 3D printers.

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