Todas las noticias

July 9 2020 Revenue for the first half of 2020

The first half of this year was understandably affected by the health crisis caused by the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, which led to the cancellation of all non-essential surgeries. During this unprecedented period, the Spineway group was fully committed to providing the best possible services to its direct clients in France and its international distribution partners. These efforts allowed the Group to keep its revenue for the second quarter at close to 30% of that of the previous year despite a very complicated international situation, resulting in half-year revenue of €1 432K as at 30 June 2020 (-45% compared with HY1 2019)

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May 29 2020 Minutes of the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 26 May 2020 Capital decrease

The Extraordinary and Ordinary General Meeting of Spineway’s shareholders that was held behind closed doors on 26 May 2020, at 2 p.m. at the Group’s registered office located at 7 allée Moulin Berger, 69130 Ecully, adopted all the resolutions submitted by over 90% except for resolution no. 10, which was dismissed unanimously at the Board of Directors’ recommendation. During this Meeting, the decision was approved to decrease the company’s share capital by absorbing losses and decreasing the par value of the shares.

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May 23 2020 Government-backed loan of €1.13M secured / Reserved capital increase of €4.6M implemented

Spineway, specialist in designing innovative surgical implants and instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column, expects the gradual return of spinal surgeries worldwide. In order to meet the needs of this recovery, the company has welcomed some of its employees back on the premises after implementing the new health and safety rules required following the lifting of the COVID-19 stay-at-home order to lessen the risk of the virus spreading to employees. For now, employees whose jobs are conducive to working remotely remain at home. This will change as needs evolve due to the return to activity and the health authorities’ recommendations.

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April 23 2020 Signature of an exclusive agreement with the Japanese distributor MURANAKA Medical Instruments

Spineway, specialist in designing innovative surgical implants and instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column, announces the signature of an exclusive agreement for the distribution of its products in Japan with MURANAKA Medical Instruments.

Comunicados de prensa

April 16 2020 2019 annual results

Spineway’s Board of Directors, at a meeting held on 15 April 2020 chaired by Stéphane Le Roux, closed the 2019 annual accounts. The Group’s Statutory Auditors have audited these accounts and their reports are being prepared.

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January 16 2020 2019 : a year of restructuring 2019 revenue of €5M

2019 was a particularly active year for the SPINEWAY group as it redeployed its activities in previously covered areas, completely reorganized its teams and renewed half its Executive Committee at the end of 2019. Spineway also strengthened its financial position thanks to a financing agreement with Negma Group1 in order to ensure organic growth and finance new development projects. The Group thus generated total revenue of €5 015K for 2019.

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January 29 2020 Appointment of Myriam Denis-Galland as Chief Financial Officer

Spineway, specialist in innovative spinal implants, announces the appointment of Myriam Denis as Chief Financial Officer. Her arrival allows Spineway to expand its Executive Committee and create a structure that will ensure the implementation of its development plan.

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