Todas las noticias

Half-year results 2022

In the context of a still fragile and non-homogenous recovery in its areas of operation, Spineway achieved revenues of €3.1 million in the first half of 2022, up 65% compared to the first half of 2021. This increase is driven by the strong performance of sales in Latin America (+72% to €1.5M), the synergies implemented with Distimp, notably in France, which brought the turnover of the European zone to €0.9M (+106% compared to HF1 2021) and the solid results in the Middle East (€0.4M, up 96%).

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Launch of a Spineway share consolidation

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Spineway's shareholders was held on Monday, July 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Company's headquarters. The resolutions presented, including those relating to the share consolidation, were approved by the shareholders with the exception of the 5th resolution, concerning the capital increase reserved for employees, which was rejected in accordance with the Board of Directors' recommendation. The Board of Directors of the Company, which met on the same day, decided to implement the share consolidation.

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Continuation of the targeted external growth strategy – Acquisition of Spine Innovations

Spine Innovations, a spin-off from Groupe FH Ortho’s spine activity and majority owned by the investment fund LBO France, has over 25 years of expertise in the field of spine surgery. The company has developed, in collaboration with renowned French surgeons and after more than 10 years of Research & Development, the first viscoelastic lumbar prosthesis called "LP-ESP" which was implanted in 2004 at the Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital in Paris.

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Revenue for the first half 2022 : + 65%

Committed to a growth trajectory, Spineway saw its sales accelerate over the 2nd quarter 2022 to total turnover of 1,8 M€, an increase of 74% compared to last year, despite a still fragile and uneven context of recovery in the areas where it operates. This performance brings revenue for the first half 2022 to 3,1M€ (+65% compared to S1 2021). This allows the Group to exceed the turnover of the 1st half 2019 (before the crisis) by 19%, which amounted to 2,6 M€.

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New momentum for a strong comeback on the French market

This congress was the opportunity to present several new products for the first time and, in particular theranges resulting from the acquisition of the company Distimp (KAPHORN, VEOS, ACIFBOX). This expansion of its implants’ ranges for spine surgery of complex pathologies is part of the group's strategy to become a key player of the market;

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Continued growth in Q1 2022 Q1 2022 revenues up +55%

In line with the last quarter of 2021, Spineway confirms its growth momentum and totals revenues of €1.3 million for the first quarter of 2022, up 55% compared to the year 2021. The latter benefits from the synergies implemented with Distimp, the growth of sales in France and positive commercial orientation in Latin America.

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2nd invitation to the Combined General Meeting on 11 April 2022

The Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Spineway held on Friday, 23 March 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at at the Group's headquarters was unable to be held due to a lack of quorum for both the resolutions falling within the competence of the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting.

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Combined General Meeting of March 23, 2022

Spineway informs its shareholders that they are convened to a Combined General Meeting on Friday, March 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Group's headquarters, 7 allée Moulin Berger in Ecully .(69).

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2021 annual results

Spineway confirms sound orientation of its 2021 fiscal year with a turnover of €4.3 million1 up 27% compared to 2020, despite the still penalizing pandemic context. This growth is driven by a fourth quarter at €1.3 million (+26%) and is accompanied by an improvement in all the Group's results.

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