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Continued International Development

Spineway, specialized in the design of innovative surgical implants and instruments for the treatment of severe disorders of the spine, continues its international development with the organization of a workshop in Thailand on the use of its products, and the signature of a distribution agreement in the US state of Ohio.

Press releases

Approval of the General Meeting’s resolutions Solid cash position to continue development

The Combined General Meeting of Spineway’s shareholders was held upon first notice of meeting on Monday, 8 March 2020, behind closed doors, at the Company’s registered office. The number of shares held by the shareholders represented amounted to 3 232 993 768 shares, i.e., a turnout of 25.79%.

Press releases

Exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of a start-up in the field of spinal surgery

Spineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of severe disorders of the spinal column (spine), announces that it has entered exclusive negotiations with a view to the acquisition of 100% of the capital of a European start-up specialized in the design, manufacture and sale of implants and instruments for spinal surgery.

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Signature of a partnership with Tsunami Medical

Spineway announces the signature of a partnership with the Italian company Tsunami Medical, pioneer in innovative 3D-printed solutions, for the sale of Twin Peaks interbody cages produced with 3D printers.

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Continued expansion in Asia

Spineway, specialized in the treatment of severe disorders of the spine, announces the first surgery in Thailand with Mont Blanc 3D+ instrumentation as well as the signature of an exclusive distribution agreement for the marketing of its products in Malaysia.

Press releases

January 16 2020 2019 : a year of restructuring 2019 revenue of €5M

2019 was a particularly active year for the SPINEWAY group as it redeployed its activities in previously covered areas, completely reorganized its teams and renewed half its Executive Committee at the end of 2019. Spineway also strengthened its financial position thanks to a financing agreement with Negma Group1 in order to ensure organic growth and finance new development projects. The Group thus generated total revenue of €5 015K for 2019.

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July 9 2020 Revenue for the first half of 2020

The first half of this year was understandably affected by the health crisis caused by the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, which led to the cancellation of all non-essential surgeries. During this unprecedented period, the Spineway group was fully committed to providing the best possible services to its direct clients in France and its international distribution partners. These efforts allowed the Group to keep its revenue for the second quarter at close to 30% of that of the previous year despite a very complicated international situation, resulting in half-year revenue of €1 432K as at 30 June 2020 (-45% compared with HY1 2019)

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December 23 2020 Financing Plan – New tranche of Negma Convertible Bonds

In keeping with its development strategy, Spineway wishes to be in a position to take advantage of any and all external-growth opportunities that could create value and new synergies. To this end, Spineway decided to launch a new subscription phase for Convertible Bonds with warrants.

Press releases

January 29 2020 Appointment of Myriam Denis-Galland as Chief Financial Officer

Spineway, specialist in innovative spinal implants, announces the appointment of Myriam Denis as Chief Financial Officer. Her arrival allows Spineway to expand its Executive Committee and create a structure that will ensure the implementation of its development plan.

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