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2nd invitation to the Combined General Meeting on 11 April 2022

The Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Spineway held on Friday, 23 March 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at at the Group's headquarters was unable to be held due to a lack of quorum for both the resolutions falling within the competence of the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting.

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Combined General Meeting of March 23, 2022

Spineway informs its shareholders that they are convened to a Combined General Meeting on Friday, March 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Group's headquarters, 7 allée Moulin Berger in Ecully .(69).

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2021 annual results

Spineway confirms sound orientation of its 2021 fiscal year with a turnover of €4.3 million1 up 27% compared to 2020, despite the still penalizing pandemic context. This growth is driven by a fourth quarter at €1.3 million (+26%) and is accompanied by an improvement in all the Group's results.

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2021 revenue

This growth was driven in particular by high sales performances in the Group's historical areas. Thus, Latin America recorded revenues of nearly €2 million, up 33% compared to fiscal year 2020, despite a still complicated situation; while sales in Asia reached €1 million, up 19% compared to 2020.

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Revenue as of September 2021 (9 months): +27%

After a dynamic 2nd quarter, Spineway consolidated its growth in Q3 with revenues of €1.1m, an improvement or 22% as compared to Q3 2020, bringing 9-month activity to 2.9m (+27%). The Group is thus seeing an increase in its sales activity across all of its operating regions, excluding the USA. Moreover, the more favourable sales mix, oriented towards implants and higher value-added product lines, should contribute to improving the Group’s margins.

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Improvements of 2021 half-year results

Spineway confirmed a sharp 153% 2021 half-year turnover increase compared with 2020 same period despite an international economic context still disrupted by the worldwide pandemic. The sales recovery in its main territories allowed the Group to increase its turnover to €1 1885K as at 30 June 2021 and to benefit from a growth of 31% compared with 2020 first semester. The integration of Distimp will enable the group to increase its products order and to develop its sales in the domestic market in the months to come.

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2021 Half Year Results postponed

Spineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of severe disorders of the spinal column (spine), informs 2021 half year results are delayed due to the acquisition of Distimp, event that was not foreseen at the time the news agenda was published.

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Revenue for the first half of 2021: +30%

In an international context that is still disrupted by the global pandemic, Spineway recorded a 153% increase in revenue for the second quarter of 2021 compared with Q2 2020, driven by the recovery of its activity in its main territories and the integration of Distimp. This positive direction and the Group’s efforts to support its clients made it possible to generate revenue of €1 885K as at 30 June 2021 and post a 30% increase compared with the first half of 2020.

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Acquisition of the company Distimp confirmed

This acquisition is part of the Group’s growth strategy and allows Spineway to expand its products and services to provide a wider range of implants and instruments for the treatment of severe spinal disorders, as well as new operating techniques with high added value for surgeons. This move will also enable the Group to strengthen its commercial positions, particularly in France, by accessing Distimp’s extensive network of spine surgeons.

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